We, the Undersigned, represent the County Economic Development Organizations in the Maryland Capital Region, surrounding Washington DC. Collectively, our Counties include 3.3 million citizens of Maryland, and 1.4 million jobs or over 52% of the Maryland economy. While we are all fully and passionately committed to pursuing economic growth and prosperity for our specific Counties, we recognize that we are each part of a larger region, both as part of the State of Maryland and within the Greater Washington DC area. Each County has unique strengths and resources that direct our individual economic development strategies, but the economic success of each County is inextricably linked to the Greater Washington DC region and to the State of Maryland.
This commonality of interests has brought us together to explore economic development collaboration on a regional level. This Joint Statement is intended to outline our commitment to growing a stronger Maryland Capital Region.
Collectively, there are many existing areas where we already collaborate on a regional basis in economic development. The below-signed organizations currently recognize that we are stronger together marketing as a region for out-of-market business attraction. Our collective assets present a strong business case and marketing these resources together helps raise our profile and provides an array of options to prospective clients. Additionally, as it relates to existing, in-market companies, we agree to a protocol of contacting each other when a business or company located in one jurisdiction indicates an interest in a location in another County. Further, there is a consensus that with regard to businesses located in other Maryland jurisdictions, we agree to only reactive business development driven by such businesses’ clear interest in relocating to our counties. We agree that we are each entitled and obligated to strongly promote the assets and strengths of our own jurisdictions, but that there is no place for disparaging competitors. We further state that it is standard practice to include resources and assets located in neighboring jurisdictions in our individual marketing and prospect pursuits efforts.
To further opportunities for regional collaboration, we agree to:
1. Explore regional joint marketing, branding, and promotional programming where the collective strengths of each County will enhance and benefit all the Undersigned;
2. Establish shared economic development rules of ethical marketing and branding;
3. Formalize protocols for communication in addressing business prospects and relocation events;
4. Evaluate multi-county or state-level policy changes to address competitiveness issues for the Capital Region, or that may encourage growth in specific industry sectors, on a regional basis;
5. Consider collective efforts in support or pursuit of targeted industry sectors where we have the opportunity to capitalize on unique assets or resources within the Maryland Capital Region;
6. Engage other regional economic development partners when a broader economic development strategy will directly benefit the entire DMV; and
7. Coordinate joint efforts to support a regional economic recovery from emergencies and crises, such as Covid-19, that collectively affect our communities.
The above list is not exhaustive but represents a starting point for regional collaboration.
We, the Undersigned, on April 1, 2020, in good faith, agree to this Joint Statement for Regional Collaboration in Economic Development.
Jill Seamon Anne Arundel County
Darrell Brown Charles County
Helen Propheter Frederick County
Larry Twele Howard County
Benjamin H. Wu Montgomery County
David S. Iannucci Prince George’s County
Pam Ruff MEDA