The EDC’s Business Development Division works with the Maryland Department of Commerce to identify and structure incentive packages that attract new businesses to the County, stimulate private investment, encourage the expansion and retention of existing companies, and provide businesses with workforce training and financial assistance.
Incentives may include expediting permits, tax credits, work force assistance, site identification, county and state financial assistance, and financial assistance from the Small Business Association. For more information and details about specific incentive programs, contact the EDC's Financial Services Program Manager, Andre Plummer at 301-583-5067 or
EDI Fund
With a $50 million funding level, the EDI fund provides the fuel needed to rev the County’s economic engine—by helping to stimulate job growth, retaining current jobs and businesses, and attracting new businesses.
Enterprise Zone
An Enterprise Zone is an area of a county, city, or town in which state and local incentives and assistance are offered to encourage the expansion of existing businesses and the attraction of new business activity and jobs. Prince George’s County’s Enterprise Zone encompasses approximately 8,492 acres of property.
High Technology Facilities Tax Credit
The High Technology Facilities Tax Credit encourages growth and development of existing and new high-technology facilities. The property tax credit is for manufacturing, fabrication, assembling, research and development facilities.
Revitalization/redevelopment tax credit
The credits are available in all census tracts inside the Beltway where the median household income does not exceed the County’s median. Eligible improvements to real property located within these districts shall be allowed a tax credit on County real property taxes.
Opportunity Zones
The program provides tax incentives for investors to re-invest their unrealized capital gains into Opportunity Funds that are dedicated to investing into Qualified Opportunity Zones designated by the chief executives of every U.S. state and territory.
More Jobs for Marylanders
The More Jobs for Marylanders program promotes the growth of the manufacturing sector by:
Providing tax incentives for manufacturing job creation
Encouraging manufacturers to invest in new equipment through accelerated and bonus depreciation
Funding job training and apprenticeship programs to help strengthen Maryland's workforce
Maryland Commuter Tax Credit and the Ride Smart Commuter Programs
Employers who subsidize their employees’ commuting costs through transit, vanpool, Guaranteed Ride Home, or Cash in Lieu of Parking are rewarded with federal and state tax deductions, state tax credits and reductions on certain payroll taxes.
School Facilities Surcharge Reductions/ Exemptions
As required by Maryland State Law and ordinances (CR-063-2023 and CR-069-2023) enacted by the Prince George’s County Council per the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the United States Department of Labor.
Additional Tax Incentives
Incentives may include expediting permits, tax credits, work force assistance, site identification, county and state financial assistance, and financial assistance from the Small Business Association.