Driving Continuous Economic Growth

Our Board of Directors reflects the diversity of expertise, talent, and interests found among our County residents. Board members were selected based on their expertise in a variety of disciplines, including business, technology, education, community building, and research.   


Executive Committee

Orlan Johnson
Chair | TJC Consulting

Marva Jo Camp, Esq.
Vice-Chair | MJ Camp and Associates

Gary Michael
Treasurer | NAI Michael Companies

Kerry Watson
Secretary | MGM National Harbor


Board Members

Andrew Roud
St. John Properties

Craig Beyrouty
MGM National Harbor

James R. Estepp
Greater Prince George's Roundtable

Conni Evans
The Ancon Group, LLC

Rodney Oddoye
Pepco Holdings

Nathaniel Richardson, Jr.
University of Maryland Capital Region Health

Amanda Stein
Quantum Catalyzer

Sharrarne Morton
Morton Media


Ex-Officio Members

Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Angie Rodgers
County Executive’s Office

Senatoor Michael Jackson
District 27

Council Member Sydney Harrison
District 9

Vacant (Council Alternate)