Investors from Around U.S. Tour Hottest Development Opportunities in Prince George's County

United Developers Council Gets an Inside Look at Hottest Development Opportunities on the Horizon!

Largo, MD - Last Friday, the Prince George’s County Economic Corporation’s (EDC) business development team took a group of African-American investors on a tour of the County to showcase development opportunities. The United Developers Council (UDC), visiting the area for the Congressional Black Caucus sessions, were treated to a private tour of hundreds of millions of dollars of development projects and investment opportunities. This tour was the result of the UDC reaching out to the EDC when members noted the significant economic growth taking place in Prince George’s County. EDC President Jim Coleman was excited to connect the County’s top project opportunities with potential investors.

“Today was a great day in Prince George’s County,” said Coleman. “Our purpose at the EDC is to be the lifeline of Economic Development in the County and today, we were just that. It is our honor to show off the best opportunities for hypergrowth in the County. Our guests from the United Developers Council were pleased to see just how they could become a part of the economic boom taking place here. I look forward to nurturing the relationships that we forged today which will create more jobs and opportunities!”

The tour kicked off with a visit to Greater Mt. Nebo AME Church in Bowie where the group learned about land available for development. The group then toured the Westphalia Development in Upper Marlboro which is looking to develop a town center and other amenities in the coming years. In Capitol Heights, Town Administrator Jason Small offered his personal insight into the promise of the area which very closely borders the Nation’s Capital. Finally, the tour concluded with a visit to the Suitland Development Project where a brand-new town center is being constructed. Each site provided investment opportunities in the hypergrowth economy that is Prince George’s County.

“At the UDC we are responsible to do what’s necessary to empower the communities we serve,” said Clifford Turner, past president of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers. “Going on today’s tour is beyond important because development is the fabric of this country. Because of the developments, like we saw today, we are able to uplift our communities.”

The United Developers Council is an affiliate of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers. Its mission is to promote inclusion and representation of minorities in the planning and development of community development projects in urban areas with high density. The group is comprised of development and city planning professionals from around the United States.

To learn more about development projects and the economic boom in Prince George’s County, please contact John Mason, EDC Business Development Director at (301) 583-4646 or