EDC’s ‘Angels’ Change Lives For Returning Citizens

Bladensburg, MD, December 5, 2016 – On Friday, Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Workforce Services Division team kicked off their workshop tour of Prince George’s County spreading the news about the resources and help that are available for returning citizens. The workshop facilitated by Development Coordinator Pete Goodson and Career Consultant Skylar Wyche took place at the Bladensburg Town Hall and introduced County residents who have served their time and are ready to move on to tools that help them embark on a successful job search.

“The re-entry program has impacted a lot of individuals and families,” said Goodson. “A lot of people come to the program with a desire to change and have the right attitude and want a better life. I have been able to be an instrument, along with other folks at the One-Stop, to help facilitate that process. There are so many people returning home who need help and we are agents of hope. I have the opportunity to sit down with someone and provide some hope along with great resources. This work is more than just a job. It’s a calling and I’m grateful that I am able to help men and women who are coming back from being incarcerated.”

Throughout his tenure with the Workforce Services Division of the EDC, Goodson has helped thousands of returning citizens find gainful employment. What he sees as his calling is truly impacting the lives of Prince George’s County residents. Robert, who met Goodson over five years ago as a returning citizen, credits Goodson’s passion and care as a driving force for his success.

“Mr. Goodson is the closest thing that I have to a father,” said Robert. “My first meeting with him was my first encounter with an angel. A lot of people believe that to be an angel, you have to have wings and a harp but you can define an angel by the work that they do and the effect they have on your life. Mr. Goodson made a big change in my life. What is special about what he did for me was that he cares. I wasn’t just the ‘next’ person on his list but rather someone who was important enough for him to make time.”

The care and attention that Robert describes is a common theme in the One-Stop Center, especially when customers talk about Mr. Goodson. His passion for helping people matched with the many resources available has helped him and others in the One-Stop Center successfully place thousands of returning residents in sustainable jobs.

Resources available to returning citizens include Job Club, Resumé Workshops, Federal Bonding letters, Job Search Assistance and Customized WIOA training. These services are offered at no cost at the Prince George’s One-Stop Career System which serves over 700 people on a weekly basis.

To learn more about resources at the EDC Workforce Services Division that are available for returning residents, please contact Pete Goodson at the Prince George’s One Stop Center at (301) 618-8425.