Helping businesses break new ground. Prince George’s County is serious about strengthening our business community—and the Economic Development Incentive (EDI) Fund proves just how strongly the County believes in providing businesses with the support they need to grow and thrive.
With a $50 million funding level, the EDI fund provides the fuel needed to rev the County’s economic engine—by helping to stimulate job growth, retaining current jobs and businesses, and attracting new businesses. To date, the EDI has:
Approved 62 projects totaling $45.7 million in EDI Fund awards, with approximately 65% of these committed funds revolved back into the fund for future investment
Stimulated over $1.28 billion in capital investment
Leveraged $1,315,749,405 in new business because of public private partnerships
Created 8,185 jobs and retained 6,148 jobs, 24% of the full-time jobs created from the conditional EDIF loans being held by County residents and 41% of all the full-time jobs created from the conventional EDI Fund loans are held by County residents
Exceeded job creation expectations by 20%
Increased the assessed value of commercial property by $37 billion as a result of private and County investment
Helped the County collect an additional $1.8 million in commercial property taxes as a result of improvements and redevelopment of real property between 2012 and 2022
Set aside $1 million of the Fund to support small business with getting lines of credit from a traditional bank
To qualify for EDI funding, projects must demonstrate:
Economic impact—Measurable outcomes such as job creation, retention, or growth, increasing industry or commerce, broadening the commercial tax base, or promoting local/minority/small business development
Alignment with County development goals and priorities—Projects must adequately reflect the County’s revitalization goals and be located in or near select areas of the County.
“But for” test—Public incentives are necessary to move the project forward.
The EDI Fund is structured to support the County’s strategic focus on evolving economic drivers which include these targeted industry clusters:
Federal Government
Hospitals and Health Services
Information Technology Services
Research Intensive Technologies
Whether you need funding for a new project, expansion, relocation, or equipment purchase, the EDI offers you an incredible tool for taking your business to the next level. Complete your application online.
For more, information about the Economic Development Incentive Fund, please contact Andre Plummer:
Andre Plummer
Financial Services Manager