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First Friday Coaching Session: Let's Saboteur Wrangle

  • PGC Economic Development Corp. 1801 McCormick Drive Largo United States (map)

Maryland is known for being “Open for Business” and now many types of businesses are closed. Since you are being asked to stay home, are you in Panic or Pivot Mode? 

During adversity, saboteurs speak the loudest! The inner thoughts and emotions that are associated with stress are real! Join us for a co-active virtual workshop where you “name it to tame it” and explore what’s possible during this time for you and your business! This crisis will end at some point. Just like any other crisis, it can bring out the best as well the worst in people. Let’s connect for some powerful questions that lead to intentional actions to increase your mental, your emotional, and your physical health! You are invited to the First Fridays with PGCEDC via Zoom for a co-active coaching experience.


How To Join

Meeting ID: 932 179 653

One tap mobile

+1-646-518-9805 ID: 932 179 653#




About The Speaker



LaTanya Eggleston is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF), an Associate Adjunct Professor of Communications at UMGC, and an Assistant Professor at AACC. At UMGC she is a selected PACE Coach Professor where she focuses on developing and practicing communication, teamwork, professionalism, and integrity. She has taught in four countries for UMGC and assessed military personnel and other professionals on topics of interpersonal, public speaking and small group dynamics. She most recently taught a Communications course at Quantico for the military population and has facilitated the same communication skills course at NSA. 

To learn more connect with her on LinkedIn:

To schedule individual coaching call with LaTanya visit